학술대상 수상 관련 신문 기사
Prof. Cho received "The MSK 2023 Grand Academic Award" a.k.a. Unbong Award.
Two Scientific Data papers have been published.
Dr. Stefan Bertilsson visited the Cho Lab.
The article featured in a Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights webpage
Maliheh and Lauren, Welcome to Seoul!
Dr. Lim's Nat. Commun. paper has been reported in many newspapers.
Yeonjung's Nature Communication paper has been published!
Rajeev's Paper on Shrimp Biofloc Aquaculture System has been published in Aquaculture.
10 Novel Species in a Single Paper!
2023년 teachers' day.
Dr. Shan-Hui Li's OM60/NOR5 paper has been published in Microbiology Spectrum.
Congratulations! Flower ceremony for PhDs. and Bsc.
MSK2022 meeting in Jeju island.
2022, Field Sampling Series #5
Visiting Stefan Bertilsson Lab at SLU, Sweden
Attending the ISME18 meeting
2022, Field Sampling Series #4