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작성자 사진cholabinha

10 Novel Species in a Single Paper!

Congratulations Somi and Hyunyoung!

박미리 박사, 조현영 석사. 축하합니다.

10 Novel species, 10 Completed Whole-genome sequences of the genus Flavobacterium

[228]. Jo H, Park MS, Lim Y, Kang I, Cho J-C. 2023.

Ten novel species belonging to the genus Flavobacterium, isolated from freshwater environments: F. praedii sp. nov., F. marginilacus sp. nov., F. aestivum sp. nov., F. flavigenum sp. nov., F. luteolum sp. nov., F. gelatinilyticum sp. nov., F. aquiphilum sp. nov., F. limnophilum sp. nov., F. lacustre sp. nov., and F. eburneipallidum sp. nov.

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